Food Safety Training
Food Safety Training
Demonstrate - Participate - Educate - Activate
In Australia everyone that is involved with food in the course of their working day, is required by the FSANZ, Food Standards Code to be trained in Food Safety.

This includes:
- Preparation
- Serving
- Cleaning Food Equipment
- Transporting Food
The industries we train staff include
Childcare centres – including cooks, directors and educators.
Aged Care- Day care Centres, Meals on Wheels, Nursing Homes, Residential retirement Villages.
Health Care
Community and Ethnic Service Groups.
Education Facilities-Boarding Schools, School Canteens, University Halls of Residence.
We recommend training at your site.
Training is focused on your operations, we arrive an hour prior to the training session to learn about your facility so we can tailor our training specifically to you operation.
Training at your site increases teamwork , ensuring consistency of the Food Safety Training.
Cost Per person $65.00 ( Inc GST )
Delivered at your site to ensure maximum effectiveness
Food Safety Audit
Food Safety Audit
This audit is designed for all food establishments and provides insightful measurement of the critical requirements of Food Safety and Hygiene requirements of FSANZ 3.2.1 and 3.3.1 9 Vulnerable Persons ) and includes more than 80 individual measures, hazard analysis and critical control points and covers 9 Key Result Areas

- Personal Hygiene
- Cleaning & Sanitisation
- Allergens
- Delivery Storage and Service.
- Cross Contamination
- Temperature Control
- Food Recall
- Environment
- Facility Maintenance.
Pricing $578.00 ( Inc. GST )
Food Safety Operational Audit
(Suitable for external Audit for Early Childhood “H” indicator Accreditation Level )
This audit is designed to provide an assessment of Food Safety and Hygiene Practices and includes recommendations for improvement where applicable.
A detailed compliance schedule is provided for team implementation, this is an excellent tool when used in conjunction with the Hygiene for Food Handlers Course that is specifically designed for the Child Care sector.
The Audit includes a detailed compliance schedule to met the
FSANZ Standard 3.2.2 Food Safety Practices and General Requirements
- Food Handling Skills and knowledge
- Food Handling Controls
- Health and Hygiene Requirements
- Requirements for Food Businesses
- Cleaning, Sanitation and Maintenance
- Temperature measuring devices, calibration, single use items.
- Design and Construction
- Floors Walls and Ceilings
- Fixtures, Fittings and Equipment.
- Storage Facilities, Toilet Facilities, Food Transport Vehicles.
Pricing $750.00 ( Inc GST )
Food Safety Program
Food Safety Program
The purpose of a Food Safety Program is to provide a systematic , easy o use program to record the daily activities at a site to manage the risks associated with food known as critical control points.

The Food safety Program ensures that your operation is meeting the Standards to maintain an ongoing compliance.
I may be you legal responsibility to maintain a system in place to minimise the risk and ensure that you are preparing and serving safe food to your customers.
Food Safety Program developed by Food Safety Essentials are suitable for:
Catering businesses
Schools, Colleges and Halls of Residence
Charity Fundraising groups
Meals on Wheels
Restaurants and Cafes
Aged Care
Health Care
And any other operations providing food to customers,
or selling food products to end users.
Food Safety Essentials Food Safety Program are
Easy to understand
Very user friendly Records
Practical – each step clearly follows the previous and leads to the following step.
Accountable – the team work together to achieve results.
Food Safety Essentials Food Safety Program
Developed specifically for your operation , includes , Flow Chart ,Hazard Analysis , Critical Control Points ,( CCP’s ) Critical Limits suitable for Food Safety to Vulnerable Persons ( FSANZ 3.3.1 )
Food Safety Essentials Food Safety Program
Prices are relevant to the operation,they range from $1600.00 ( Inc GST )